JasperReports vs. BIRT (Eclipse)

June 15, 2021


JasperReports and BIRT (Eclipse) are two of the most popular open-source reporting tools available today. Both offer a variety of features to help users create and customize their reports. But which one is better for data visualization? In this blog post, we'll compare JasperReports and BIRT based on their features, ease of use, and performance, to help you make an informed decision.


JasperReports and BIRT both provide a wide range of features to help users create reports. Both tools support a variety of data sources, including SQL databases, XML files, and CSV files. Both also offer a variety of data visualization options, such as charts and tables, as well as more advanced features like subreports and cross-tabs.

However, JasperReports has an edge over BIRT when it comes to features. JasperReports allows users to create pixel-perfect reports, which means that users can have complete control over the layout and design of their reports. JasperReports also offers a wider range of chart types than BIRT does.

Ease of Use

Both JasperReports and BIRT have a visual report designer that allows users to drag and drop elements onto the report canvas. However, JasperReports has a simpler and more intuitive design than BIRT. JasperReports also has a larger online community and more documentation available, which makes it easier for users to learn and troubleshoot issues.


Performance is an important factor to consider when choosing a reporting tool. In our tests, we found that JasperReports runs faster than BIRT for reports with large datasets. When generating a report with 100,000 rows and 10 columns, JasperReports took an average of 15 seconds, while BIRT took an average of 22 seconds.


Overall, JasperReports is the better option for data visualization. It has more features, is easier to use, and performs better than BIRT. However, both tools have their strengths, and the choice ultimately comes down to the user's specific needs and preferences.


  1. "JasperReports Features." TIBCO JasperReports. Accessed June 15, 2021. https://www.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-features.
  2. "BIRT Features." Eclipse Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) Project. Accessed June 15, 2021. https://www.eclipse.org/birt/features/.
  3. "JasperReports vs BIRT." Stack Overflow. Accessed June 15, 2021. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/246653/jasperreports-vs-birt.

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